根据德国民间传说改编的童话电影. Snow-White and Rose-Red (German Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot) is a German fairy tale. The best-known version is the one collected by the Brothers Grimm as tale number 161. It is Aarne-Thompson type 426, the two girls, the bear, and the dwarf. An older, somewhat shorter version, The Ungrateful Dwarf, was written by Caroline Stahl; this in fact appears to be the oldest variant of the tale, as there are no known previous oral versions, although several have been collected since its publication. The oral variants of this tale are very limited in area. It is not to be confused with the Grimm fairy tale Snow White (which is written Schneewittchen in German, rather than Schneeweißchen) that provided the basis for the Walt Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; this is a completely different character, and she has nothing in common with the other one, other than sharing her name.
马丁(托马斯·海因茨 Thomas Heinze 饰)是一位非常聪明的年轻人,一次,他夸下海口,声称能够赢过魔鬼,谁知道刚好被路过的魔鬼听到。魔鬼和马丁打了一个赌,没想到马丁居然赢了,魔鬼骗马丁说奖品在地狱,于是,马丁便跟着魔鬼踏上了前往地狱的旅途。 途中,马丁遇见了一对双胞胎姐妹——白之花和黑之花。她们都是魔鬼的女儿,但是个性却大相径庭。魔鬼为了考验马丁,给他出了三道难题。然而,马丁凭借着自己的智慧和白之花给予的帮助一一将它们化解。在此过程中,马丁和白之花之间产生了真挚的感情,两人决定私奔。愤怒的魔鬼带着黑之花一路尾随追杀。
故事发生在意大利的一个小镇之中,指挥官洛伦索(Peter Lühr 饰)的女儿马奎斯(埃迪特·克莱韦 Edith Clever 饰)带着女儿守寡多年,在危难之际得到了伯爵列特里特(布鲁诺·甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)的出手相救,才得以幸免于难,马奎斯对伯爵生出了一丝好感,然而,第二天,伯爵便跟随着军队离开了小镇。 没过多久,马奎斯发现自己的身上竟然出现了怀孕的迹象,没有人知道孩子的父亲是谁,就连她自己也不知道。马奎斯的未婚先孕让她成为了小镇里的笑柄,遭到了父亲的唾弃和驱逐。无奈之下,马奎斯只得登报寻找孩子的父亲,让她没有想到的是,前来之人竟然正是伯爵。无法接受此事的马奎斯拒绝了伯爵的求婚。