In the 19th century, a sadistic nobleman terrorizes the members of his family. He is found dead, but his ghost soon returns to haunt the residents of his castle.
Based loosely on an Edgar Allen Poe tale, poor Emily De Blancheville (Joan Hills) has no idea of the horror that awaits her at her family's historical home. Her father, living in the home, has changed from a man into a monster at the hands of an ancient family curse. The beast he has become seems determined to murder Emily, before her twenty-first birthday. On the verge of the birthday deadline, Emily's fatherbeast escapes from his dwelling to carry out his terrifying task, but what will happen when Emily succumbs to a strange trance
A young man Ivan travels in a carriage, and stops to rest in a remote castle somewhere in the lowlands. The castle is considered by locals to be haunted. The coachman doesn't want to carry on, so Ivan continues his journey by foot. A young kid who passes by tells Ivan about the castle, but the next minute the carriage kills him. Sibylle, a beautiful but strange woman comes out of the carriage and helps Ivan to carry the dead kid into the castle, which turns out to be her home. After her husband's death, Sybille lives there only with her coachman Bartholomew. Upon his arrival, Ivan starts to hear strange music coming from unknown place. Ivan and Sibylle fall in love with each other, but the mystery of music is yet to be find out.
在立志成为画家之前,梵高(柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas 饰)曾经是画廊里颇有前途的售画员,经过几次情感失败之后,他开始尝试成为一名画家。梵高悲天悯人的性格让他能与贫穷矿工们和谐相处,用画笔描绘他们的悲惨生活。他的画奔放热情、情感肆意,但却得不到主流画坛的欣赏。梵高邀请当时正崛起的印象派画家高更(安东尼·奎恩 Anthony Quinn 饰)一同去法国南方作画。多年来,弟弟提奥一直在经济上支持梵高,甚至为他资助高更去南方的所有费用。刚开始两人其乐融融,一起创作了很多高水准的作品,但因两人的个性互不相容,逐渐产生激烈争吵。高更试图离开,梵高为此精神受打击,试图持刀威胁高更,高更仓皇而逃,梵高最终自残割下了自己的耳朵。孤独、贫困的梵高受精神病所折磨,几度进入病院疗养。而他始终没有停止绘画,一直在等待大众的赏识,最终精神崩毁,开枪结束了生命。 安东尼·奎因凭此片荣获第29届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男配角。
克莱奥(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)有着非常卑贱的出身,她是某个庞大的名流家族的私生女,为了不损害家族的名誉,克莱奥在很小的时候就被送到了法国,在母亲去世之后,克莱奥终于才获得了重返家乡的资格。克莱奥得知自己的母亲被辜负了大半生,过着悲惨而又屈辱的生活,愤怒的克莱奥决定要向这个大家族寻仇。 一次偶然中,克莱奥邂逅了名为林特(加里·库珀 Gary Cooper 饰)的男子,林特是一名生性放浪的赌徒,和克莱奥的择偶目标相去甚远,可是,克莱奥在林特的身上感受到了致命的吸引力。究竟是完成自己的复仇大业还是追随内心里真实的情感,克莱奥不知道该如何选择。
In 1848, a young Frenchwoman, Madeline Minot, goes to New York City to see Thevenet, the grandfather of her fiance. Thevenet had been with Napoleon and may be sympathetic to the political aims of his grandson. She finds the old man in very bad spirits, living in a large house with a housekeeper and a butler who are just waiting for him to die (and perhaps helping him along a bit) so they can inherit his fortune. They see Madeline as a threat to their plans. She is aided in her dealings with these strange people by a mysterious man in a cloak.
Esther goes into service in Victorian England, only to be seduced by the sweet talking groom William, who then takes off with his employer's daughter. Left alone to bring up the child, Esther manages and after 7 years has a chance at happiness. Then William turns up again... Written by Gillian Richards(IMDB)