十七世纪的路易十四时代,在肮脏混乱小镇上的少女玛奇丝(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)以一曲美丽的舞蹈打动了来此演出的莫里哀剧团,玛奇丝跟着剧团来到了巴黎,开始做起了绝世名伶的美梦。然而演员路并不像她想象的顺利,她大多时候只能出演木讷愚蠢的哑人,并且要靠出卖身体的代价来换取演出的机会。诗人拉辛(兰伯特•威尔逊 Lambert Wilson 饰)与宫廷贵族在看戏时看中了玛奇丝,她因此获得了去为路易十四国王表演的机会。并由此与拉辛相识,两人逐渐产生了感情。玛奇丝开始在剧团和拉辛之间徘徊不断,最终决定出演了拉辛的悲剧,并且大获成功,也获得了国王的青睐。而再次演出时她却抱病昏倒,代替她演出的侍女不但打破了她与拉辛之间关于剧目角色的约定,更让她怀疑自己的价值……
Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.
艾米丽(莎拉·米尔斯 Sarah Miles 饰)曾经是一名妓女,在攒够了钱之后,年岁已高不再适合这份工作的她带着身为孤儿和她相依为命的侄女米斯特拉尔(丽赛特·安东尼 Lysette Anthony 饰)离开了修道院,千里迢迢奔赴蒙特卡洛,准备在这里摆脱复杂的过去,展开新的生活。 艾米丽改名换姓,隐藏了一切过往,在他人眼中,雍容华贵的她是充满了秘密的伯爵夫人,而米斯特拉尔随着年龄的增长,其美貌的荣光已经无法再掩藏。这一对神秘的外来女子成为了当地居民们茶余饭后的谈资,而米斯特拉尔亦发现那些围绕在她身边络绎不绝的追求者们,其实内心里都在打着各自的算盘。
A young painter stumbles upon an assortment of odd characters at an English estate where he has been hired to give art lessons to beautiful Laura Fairlie. Among them are Anne Catherick, a strange young woman dressed in white whom he meets in the forest and who bears a striking resemblance to Laura; cunning Count Fosco, who hopes to obtain an inheritance for nobleman Sir Percival Glyde, whom he plans to have Laura marry; Mr. Fairlie, a hypochondriac who can't stand to have anyone make the slightest noise; and eccentric Countess Fosco who has her own dark secret. The artist also finds himself drawn to Marion Halcomb, a distant relation to Laura whom the Count also has plans for.
The beauty of the place and the beauty disarming Yun Jeong-hie that releases eroticism in a spontaneous and adding a sliding very interesting history and make it de Does cuckoo cry at Night a very interesting product and the viewer can not prove it for the poor and naive (but also good-hearted) Hyunbo. This film is based on a novel by a novel Bi-seok Jeong, and in my view succeeded in recreating quite closely the context. Definitely not a staple of cinema 80 years but the fact remains that the film deserves and it is very interesting to watch.