Set in the early years of the century. A story of a country gentleman haunted by the memory of his first wife. His current wife, had enough of his obsession and has taken a lover, who is mysteriously paralyzed. Meanwhile, main character’s son gets his first taste of sensual experience with a mute peasant girl.
The middle-class family of a young woman cannot understand why she delays in marrying a respectable young man. They know nothing about her long-standing affair with a Frenchman.
永井荷風の没後一周年を記念して、豊田四郎監督が同名小説を映画化した文芸作。東京の郊外、隅田川の東にある遊廓で中学教師・順平は、お雪という娼婦と出会い恋に落ちる。だが、そんなふたりの関係が、順平の妻・光子の知るところとなり…。 A village girl goes to Tokyo and becomes a hooker to support her ailing mother. While there she meets an unmarried teacher (at least he says he's unmarried) and falls in love. When she learns that he lied and is married to a woman whose child was fathered by another man, she is crushed. He returns to his wife. The woman becomes more distraught when she learns her uncle has misused the money she has sent. As the final straw, her mother dies, and the girl becomes sick.
伊阿宋是国王埃宋的儿子,埃宋的弟弟珀利阿斯篡夺了王位,伊阿宋则被半人半马的喀戎抚养成人。长大后的伊阿宋回到王国,向叔叔要回王位。而叔叔要求他完成一个任务——夺取金羊毛,只要伊阿宋能做到,叔叔就把王位让出来。伊阿宋率领着希腊众英雄一路远去,来到了金羊毛所在地科尔喀斯。美狄亚(玛丽亚•卡拉斯 Maria Callas 饰)是科尔喀斯城邦国王的女儿,她爱上了伊阿宋,于是盗取金羊毛献给了伊阿宋。她背叛父亲、杀死弟弟,不惜舍弃一切,也要跟伊阿宋远走高飞,到遥远的国度一同生活。 然而十年后,伊阿宋不再爱美狄亚,他为了和别国公主结婚而抛弃美狄亚和他们的两个儿子。满腔怒火、悲痛欲绝的美狄亚决定向伊阿宋复仇,她用巫术杀死了国王父女,还把自己两个儿子亲手杀死……
玛利亚(玛丽·克林逊 Mary Collinson 饰)和菲力达(玛德琳·克林逊 Madeleine Collinson 饰)是一对情同手足的姐妹,两人的父母去世之后,走投无路的两姐妹决定前往乡下去投靠她们的舅舅古斯塔夫(彼得·库欣 Peter Cushing 饰)。 古斯塔夫是一位非常虔诚而又嫉恶如仇的天主教徒,他坚信自己所住的小镇受到了诅咒,而隐藏在居民之中的女巫们就是散播诅咒的元凶。古斯塔夫发起了一场浩浩荡荡的猎巫行动,许多无辜的女孩惨死在了他的手中。在贵族卡斯坦公爵(达米安·托马斯 Damien Thomas 饰)的诱惑之下,菲力达变成了嗜血邪恶的吸血鬼,善良的玛利亚决定保护姐姐的安全,让她免受古斯塔夫的戕害。
In ancient Crete, a monster called the Minotaur (half bull, half man) can only be satisfied by virgin sacrifices. The evil ruler of Crete is determined to keep the monster happy by sacrificing as many of the island's virgins as he can, but a pair of friends determine to kill the monster and stop the sacrifices.
When the father of privileged Rosina da Silva violently dies, she decides to pass herself off as a gentile and finds employment with a family in faraway Scotland. Soon she and the family father, Charles, start a passionate secret affair.