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故事发生在20世纪初的纽约,在这样一个动荡的时代中,女人是无法依靠自己的力量立足的,她们想要得到稳定的生活,只有一种方法,那就是结婚,去寻求男人的庇护。莉莉(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金小姐,聪慧的她自然懂得这个社会的规则,她亦明白,任何想要挺身而出和这个规则抗衡的女人,必定都不会有什么好下场。  所以,莉莉选择了妥协,把自己锋利叛逆的一面深深的隐藏起来,活跃在虚与委蛇的交际场之中,寻找着自己的庇护所。岁月如梭,年岁渐长的莉莉在情急之下未经慎重考虑就嫁给了一名富有的商人,虽然这场婚姻让莉莉暂时得到了自己想要的一切,但与此同时,她将会失去更多。
芒达(塞尔日·雷吉亚尼 Serge Reggiani 饰)是一位善良老实的木匠,某日,在一场热闹的舞会之中,芒达邂逅了外号“金盔”(西蒙·西涅莱 Simone Signoret 饰)的女子,金盔的美艳和聪慧很快就吸引了芒达的注意,使他坠入情网,没过多久,两人便走到了一起。  可是,金盔曾经的恋人是黑道中人,他无法忍受金盔被他人所有,向芒达提出了决斗的要求。在决斗中,芒达成为了获胜的一方,却不得不和金盔踏上了逃亡的旅途,两人躲在一个偏僻宁静的村庄里,过着离群索居的逍遥生活。然而,金盔的美貌还是吸引了黑帮老大的注意,他决定不惜一切手段,发誓要将金盔据为己有。
When a travelling troupe of performers accept a commission from the mysterious Count Drago (Christopher Lee) and fail to heed the warnings of a local witch (Donald Sutherland), they find themselves trapped in the CASTLE OF THE LIVING DEAD. Terror ensues as they are picked off one-by-one as the Count enacts a diabolical scheme the perversion of science to achieve immortality. A grim dwarf hero battles the Count's scythe-wielding henchman; a surreal secret museum of the Count's victims (whose number includes British horror filmmaker Michael Reeves) and the arresting Italian baroque setting all make for a uniquely cult film experience.
专责编写装裱佛经的大经师经宫廷批准向有独自经营权,身份虽为商人,却获准配刀冠姓,地位显赫,财源滚滚。大经师以春(进藤英太郎 饰)为人悭吝,不拔一毛,对待妻子(香川京子 饰)娘家尤其吝啬。另一方面以春却爱慕下女阿玉(南田洋子 饰),图谋不轨。阿玉被逼无奈,谎称已同画师茂兵卫(长谷川一夫 饰)定下婚约。  大经师夫人的哥哥资金周转遇到难处,姐夫亦不肯相助,夫人分外为难。关键时刻,茂兵卫四处筹钱,出手相助。反因此惹来以春猜疑……  本片荣获1955年蓝丝带最佳导演奖。
在英属印度的法扎巴德,有一个名叫迪拉瓦尔(威什瓦吉特·普拉丹 Vishwajeet Pradhan 饰)的年轻人,在他的印度陆军尉官父亲作证后,被判处了几年的监禁。自此以后,他心怀报复之念。他绑架了一个名叫阿米兰的女孩,并将她卖给了一家舞馆。在那里,阿米兰被迫改名为贾安(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 饰)。随着时间的推移,贾安成长为一位杰出的女诗人和艺妓。  年轻的纳瓦布(阿布舍克·巴强 Abhishek Bachchan 饰)被贾安的美貌和她的诗歌所吸引,但最终他不得不按照他母亲的选择,娶了另一个女孩,留下了伤心的贾安。心碎的贾安寻求法伊兹(桑尼尔·谢迪 Sunil Shetty 饰)的安慰,两人私奔,然而他们发现法伊兹是一名通缉犯,最终被警卫枪杀。
This utterly gorgeous Gothic melodrama would be widely hailed as a masterpiece, had it not been made in Italy during the Mussolini regime. A gross injustice, as Malombra - unlike Piccolo Mondo Antico, Mario Soldati's earlier film of an Antonio Fogazzaro novel - contains not one moment of triumphalist flag-waving or Fascist family values. Oddly akin to Rebecca in its atmosphere of death-haunted romance and voluptuous doom, it reaches a peak of visual refinement of which Hitchcock could only dream.  Its star is Isa Miranda (famous, and not without reason, as Italy's answer to Garbo and Dietrich) playing a headstrong but unstable young noblewoman, confined by her uncle to a gloomy villa on the shores of Lake Como. A yellowed and crumbling letter, found in an old spinet, convinces her that she is the reincarnation of her uncle's first wife - another troubled beauty who died a virtual prisoner after being caught in a forbidden love affair. When a handsome young writer (Andrea Checchi) comes to stay, Miranda decides that HE is the reincarnation of the dead woman's lover. Gradually, she lures him into her web of sex and revenge...  What more to say without spoiling the fun Miranda gives a performance to rival any of the great divas of Hollywood. Only Davis and Stanwyck, perhaps, could play a bad girl so boldly without losing all sympathy. The evocation of 19th century aristocracy, in its full decadent splendour, is visually and dramatically flawless - a model for such later Italian gems as Visconti's Senso and The Innocent.  It helped, perhaps, that Soldati himself was a leading novelist. Blessed with an absolute respect for the classics he adapted, but in no way inhibited by them. He was also the guiding spirit of the now-forgotten 'calligraphic' movement, which brought the Italian cinema to such wondrous aesthetic heights during World War Two, only to collapse before the horror of Neo-Realism. Can we blame Soldati for giving up film-making in disgust and going back to writing novels  So if you've ever felt (as I do) that Rossellini's much-touted Rome - Open City is the work of an amateur...well, Malombra is the film you have to see!
Stephen Arrowsmith (Paul Muller), a scientist experimenting with the possibility of regenerating blood through electricity has his home and laboratory in the castle owned by his wife Muriel (Barbara Steele). Arrowsmith finds her later having sex with a gardener and disfigures him with a hot poker and burns Muriel's face with acid before electrocuting both of them. Arrowsmith hides their hearts in an urn and then uses their blood to rejuvenate the aged servant Solange (Helga Liné).  Later, Arrowsmith realizes that he is not Muriel's heir, but that the estate has been willed to her sister Jenny (Barbara Steele). Jenny is mentally unstable, and Arrowsmith marries her, later planning to have Solange drive her to the brink of sanity. Jenny begins having nightmares which include the sound of beating hearts and Muriel's voice urging her to murder Stephen. Arrowsmith brings Jenny to the doctor Derek Joyce (Marino Masé) who is convinced that supernatural forces are at work. Arrowsmith later tries to give Solange another blood transfusion, the doctor then discovers the hidden hearts of Muriel and the gardener. The two return as ghosts with Muriel burning Stephen alive while David reduces Solange to a skeleton by sucking her blood. The doctor and Jenny leave the castle and consign the two found hearts to a fire.
The film deals with reincarnation and had a gothic noir feel to it. While driving his car on a rainy night, Anand's car breaks down, and he goes to seek shelter in a nearby house. He is let into the house by the servant, and he is permitted to stay until the rains stop, and he is able to get his car fixed. It is here that Anand will find out about his previous birth, his true love, Madhumati, their ill-fated, star-crossed and tragic romance, and how this the events in his previous birth are going to effect him in this life-time.
第七作  岡場所の娼家を訪れた眠狂四郎(市川雷蔵)は、黒覆面の忍者の集団に襲われる。からくもこれをかわした狂四郎であったが、今度は下谷の町道場で剣術指南をしている赤松勘兵衛(五味龍太郎)の妻が全裸で殺害され、あらぬ嫌疑をかけられてしまう。身の証しを立てるため狂四郎は単身、道場を訪れるが決着がつかず、日を改めて勘兵衛と立ち会うことになった。これらの事件の背後では、かつて狂四郎に醜悪な顔を暴き出された将軍家斉の娘・菊姫(毛利郁子)が動いていた。狂四郎は敢然とこの挑戦を受けて立つのだった!
故事发生在十九世纪的英国,霍布森(查尔斯·劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)经营着一家鞋铺,辛辛苦苦拉扯着三个女儿玛姬(布伦达·德·班泽 Brenda De Banzie 饰)、爱丽丝(达芙妮·安德森 Daphne Anderson 饰)和维奇(普鲁内拉·斯凯尔斯 Prunella Scales 饰)长大,一转眼,三个姑娘都已经到了谈婚论嫁的年纪,但吝啬的霍布森并不准备支付女儿们的嫁妆。  玛姬爱上了鞋匠威利(约翰·米尔斯 John Mills 饰),尽管霍布森极力的反对这段不合时宜的感情,但独立好强的玛姬还是同威利结了婚。在玛姬的帮助下,威利的事业蒸蒸日上,很快便成为了霍布森最强劲的商业对手,与此同时,玛姬还帮助两个妹妹解决了嫁妆的难题。
It's the mid-nineteenth century. Adult siblings Felix Young and Eugenia Munster were born and raised in Europe and have a somewhat bohemian lifestyle reflective of their travels throughout Europe. Felix, who has little money, is interested in painting and the arts. Eugenia is a baroness by marriage. They decide to travel to New England to meet their maternal uncle and their three cousins, the Wentworths, for the first time, the Wentworths who live just outside of Boston. The Wentworths are highly puritanical, the uncle in particular who looks to a neighbor, Mr. Brand, to provide a moral compass to his three children, especially the shy Gertrude, who Mr. Brand wants to marry. The Wentworths are somewhat suspicious as to the reason for their relatives' visit, but nonetheless the uncle puts them up in a neighboring house on their property. While Felix enjoys the company of his cousins - especially Gertrude - Eugenia is a bit more standoffish and cognizant of the real reason for their trip to the United States. For Eugenia, another of their uncle's cousins, a Mr. Robert Acton, may just fit the bill related to her goal, which concerns her current marriage and financial security.
平安时代末期,廉政爱民的岩城父母官平正氏(清水将夫 饰)因违反朝廷的命令救济灾民而受到同僚倾轧,被降职派往筑紫。7年后,平正氏的妻子玉木(田中絹代 饰)带着13岁的儿子厨子王(加藤雅彦 饰)、8岁的女儿安寿(榎並啓子 饰)以及女中姥竹(浪花千栄子 饰)启程前往筑紫寻找丈夫。孤儿寡母无所依靠,她们在越后国受到人贩子的欺骗。姥竹身死,玉木被卖到佐渡的娼馆,两个孩子则被卖到丹后的山椒大夫(進藤英太郎 饰)家为奴。十年岁月中,兄妹俩受尽非人的折磨。偶然间得知母亲在佐渡的消息,厨子王(花柳喜章 饰)计划逃出这个魔窟。安寿(香川京子 饰)为助兄长命丧黄泉,历经磨难获得自由身的厨子王决定上京申诉一家的冤屈……  本片根据森鸥外原著改编,并荣获1954年威尼斯电影节银狮奖。
故事发生在1817年的英国,一个奇装异服的女子现身于小镇之中,没有人知道她从哪里来,也没有人知道她到底是谁。善良的沃瑞尔夫人收留了无家可归的女子,并且通过她的种种举动开始猜测女子的真实身份。最终,人们认定了这个女人是从某个遥远的东方古国里出逃的落难公主,并且称之为卡拉布公主(菲比·凯茨 Phoebe Cates 饰),对于自己的这一身份,卡拉布从来都没有明确否认过。  卡拉布公主的名气越来越大,吸引了记者古奇的注意,甚至连摄政王都倾心于她的美貌和智慧。渐渐的,所有人都开始弄不清楚,面前的这个女人,究竟是真的高贵的公主,还是只是一个聪明的骗子。
鄉間一個門第家庭,一個新寡的年輕媳婦(崔銀姬)與守節多年的家姑同住。農忙時節,由城市前來打工的現代青年 (申榮均) 暗地跟媳婦相戀,婦人更因此懷孕。貞節牌坊屹立的村落自是容不下一個寡婦有孕,而女子結果也由得所愛男子與初生兒子被逐離村,自己終其節婦身份度過一生。  本片可視作申相玉前作《媽媽和畫家叔叔》(Mother and a Guest, 1961)的變奏,片中寡婦同樣為了保存家族聲譽而犧牲了自己的愛情。《烈女門》於第二屆大鐘獎(1963)獲得最佳電影、最佳男主角及最佳剪接三個大獎,並參展第十三屆柏林電影節。
这是一部典型的日本黑色幽默喜剧,影片的主人公佐平次是个骗子式的人物,影片描写他在江户时代环境恶劣的妓院里如何巧妙地施展骗术,在各种阶层的人物之间混饭吃的生存术来表现善良的有缺点的小人物。但是,这种笑是沉重的,伤感的。影片从始至终贯穿着日本大众喜闻乐见的单口相声,在相声间穿插着佐平次被扣打工还账,在艺妓馆里混成了人见人爱的宝贝,又偶遇幕府末期的政治家高杉晋作,为救被卖进妓院的少女,同意协助晋作策划去烧品川的英国领事馆的故事。被称作 “落语”的日本单口相声与佐平次的故事情节相佐相辅,构成一出超级古装讽刺喜剧。主演该片的两位演员弗兰基界、石原裕次郎是曾风靡日本影坛的大众明星。编剧是后来成为著名导演的今村昌平。因此给观众的印象特别深刻。
1850年,一个遥远的法属小岛发生了一桩命案,醉了酒的渔夫(埃米尔·库斯图里卡 Emir Kusturica饰)犯下杀人罪,被判以极刑。然而这里山高皇帝远,没有铡刀之类的行刑工具,于是岛上的官员们求助于法国本部,让他们千里迢迢运来断头台。  在这个等待的时间里,博爱善良的上尉夫人(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche饰)相信渔夫是一个本质不坏的人。她自从跟随丈夫来到这个荒凉的小岛之后,就一直料理着花园。如今她让渔夫帮她修整花园,干各种琐碎的家务活。渔夫和上尉夫人一同行善,还得到了居民的欢迎。上尉(丹尼尔·奥德耶 Daniel Auteuil饰)知道两人相处得日渐融洽,甚至萌生爱意,但出于对妻子无私的爱,他只是默默选择让妻子得到快乐。  日子渐渐过去,断头台终于送到。上尉、上尉夫人和渔夫,也迎来了各人命运的转折。
A Man About the House[电影解说]
基隆·摩尔 , 玛格丽特·约翰斯顿 , 盖伊·米德尔顿 , 达尔茜·格雷
路易斯(罗伯特·卡明斯 Robert Cummings 饰)是一名出版商,某日,他得到了一条机密消息,上世纪一位非常有名的诗人,他的情人朱莉安娜(阿格妮丝·摩尔海德 Agnes Moorehead 饰)依然存活于世,并且保留了自己和诗人之间的通信。为了得到这些信,路易威隐姓埋名,伪装成为了一位小说家,以住客的身份接近并且入住了朱莉安娜的家中。  如今,朱莉安娜和自己的侄女蒂娜(苏珊·海沃德 Susan Hayward 饰)生活在一起,蒂娜对于路易斯的到来非常的反感,处处针对他,当地的神父亦告诫路易斯,要远离这个家庭,否则会发生不幸。朱莉安娜和蒂娜的背后,究竟隐藏着什么秘密呢?
Coutet , Geneviève , Henri , Morel , 皮埃尔·布朗夏 , 米切林内·普雷斯利