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前方餐厅岁月静好,后方厨房剑拔弩张。  极为疯狂又疗愈的后厨战事,再度回归。
在少林、武当、峨眉等各大名派尚未崛起之前,有“天下第一魔”之称的天诛教教主令狐笑正欲称霸武林,遭到有“天下第一人”之称的司马傲阻止,于是两人约战于泰威山顶,结果令狐笑被司马傲的“正直宽大”感化,双双退隐江湖......   20年后,司马傲(顾冠忠饰)的儿子司马纵横(顾冠忠饰)与天下第一富的少爷金小换(莫少聪饰)联手“管尽天下不平事”,从而引出了一段江湖上各大门派争霸江湖的故事。梁家寨的总寨主杜子鱼、菊花门的门主慕容梅、诸葛山庄(冥火会)的庄主诸葛绝伦、天诛教的教主司徒平等武林高手为了“天诛绝学”和武林盟主的宝座各显神通,危害苍生。结果司徒平凭借“天诛绝学”最厉害的“天诛十八式”击败习得“冥火掌”的诸葛绝伦,成为武林第一大魔头。如此形势下,司马纵横在令狐笑的帮助下习得司马傲的“金刚掌”和“神阳剑法”,而金小换则习得天山神丐的“天山神功”,最后两人联手击败...
True CJ Creations制作
Hulu announced on Wednesday that the Letterkenny spinoff Shoresy has been renewed for a third season, ahead of Season 2’s premiere this Friday. Six new episodes will shoot in Sudbury this fall.
Aaron , McCusker , ‎丽贝卡·阿特金森‎ , 大卫·斯瑞弗 , 杰拉德·基恩斯
本剧根据古典名著《隋唐演义》改编。   北齐名将之后秦琼(严宽 饰),自小与程咬金(姜武 饰)一起长大,凭借一身武功被官府提拔为下级小官,某日秦琼遇到李渊被太子杨广(富大龙 饰)截杀,单枪匹马救出了李渊全家。来到潞州不得不靠卖马维持生计,幸亏老板娘深明大义暗中接济。程咬金在长叶林劫夺了杨林十六万两银子皇杠。秦母大寿当天程咬金被抓,为搭救程咬金,贾柳店结拜的众兄弟策划造反劫狱,机缘巧合程咬金做了瓦岗寨的混世魔王。隋炀帝(富大龙 饰)去扬州看琼花,瓦岗寨联合其他起义军汇聚在四明山意图杀死隋炀帝推翻隋朝。李世民(杜淳 饰)借机跑回太原,并起兵造反。李密逃到瓦岗被众人拥戴为主。李世民夜探瓦岗寨被程咬金抓获,李密欲杀李世民,被秦琼劝阻,并乘机放了李世民。在秦琼等的帮助下,李世民在玄武门一战清除异己成为唐太宗,开创了贞观之治。
可怜的姐弟俩燕子(彭雨柔 饰)和小石头(王天泽 饰),小小年纪便经历了人生最大的悲痛,他们在同一天内失去父母。擦干泪水的姐弟选择坚强,启程前往向阳村投奔奶奶(赵海燕 饰)。孤寡一人、体弱多病的奶奶身上的担子一下重了起来,虽然小姐弟坚强懂事,可是生活的磨难以及周遭各种冷嘲热讽与欺凌依旧毫不停歇地向这个多灾多难的家庭袭来。不久,一场大火夺去奶奶的生命,燕子和小石头面临更加苦难的人生和姐弟分离。   与此同时,向阳村的赵老乐(宋小宝 饰)、荷花(沈春阳 饰)、老走(赵本山 饰)、二癞(杨议 饰)也各有各的喜怒哀乐。最底层的民众,最是充满历练的人生……
A drunken call of nature on a generator turns just another night out for Frank into a nightmare.  At hospital he's told that tests show he has a heart condition and may not make it to the weekend.  With these words ringing in his ears, he sets out to drink and drug himself into a stupor, only to be visited by his younger self and challenged to answer the question What is the point of Frank Gallagher  On one of his regular trips home from university, a little bit of Lip's other life makes an unwelcome appearance in Chatsworth, throwing Mandy into uproar and culminating in a knock-down, drag-out fight in The Jockey with shocking consequences.  Elsewhere on the estate, Lillian proves to be quite the madame when she settles on an unconventional way to turn her spare rooms into a little extra cash.
刑警姜光明(马伊琍 饰)和石落(高至霆 饰)在调查一起案件时,偶然发现作家顾己鸣(佟大为 饰)的小说中所描绘的犯罪现场与自己正在调查的案发现场离奇重合,虚构与现实交错,一切真的只是巧合?而小说的出现也为二人的追查提供了新的方向,但与此同时也将他们引向了更深的迷局......案中案,谜中谜,隐藏在幕后的凶手究竟是谁?  该剧改编自松本清张同名小说。
伊利 , 史元庭 , 土豆 , 夏若妍 , 尚九熙 , 尼达 , 张百乔 , 徐志胜 , 李海银 , 杜康 , 梦涵 , 沈南 , 派小轩 , 滕哲 , 苗溢伦 , 葛广全 , 蒋诗萌 , 许天奇 , 郭子恒
David , Gerard , Kearns , Threlfall , 杰拉德·基恩斯 , 杰拉德·基恩斯
该剧以真实的故事为原型,紧贴人民群众,围绕“资源枯竭型城市转型”这一主题展开故事。  上世纪末贵州万山特区,因汞资源枯竭而面临绝境。第三代汞矿人冯白杨,抱着极强的责任感和使命感,试图转型以重振汞矿辉煌,但最终难敌国企改革大潮,二万职工陷入绝境。2008年又遇百年难遇凝冻灾害,万山人的心降到了冰点,冯白杨带领万山干部群众感恩奋进、艰苦奋斗,一产、二产、三产三辆马车齐头奋进,以科技创新、绿色发展为前提,实现转型发展,使一个资源枯竭的城市浴火重生,创新发展梦想成真。
the four-part series, a fire tears through a holiday home in a scenic Lancashire lake town. Detective Ember Manning must work out how it connects to a podcast journalist investigating a missing persons cold case and an illicit ‘love’ triangle between a man in his twenties and two underage girls.   But as Ember gets close to the truth, it threatens to destroy her life – forcing her to reevaluate everything she thought she knew about her past, present and the town she’s always called home.   As much a coming-of-age story as a detective thriller, The Jetty asks big questions about sexual morality, identity and memory, in the places that Me Too has left behind.
SHAMELESS tells the story of a young group of siblings pretty much abandoned by their parents, surviving by their wits - and humour - on a rough Manchester council estate. Whilst they won't admit it, they need help and find it in Steve, a young middle class lad who falls for Fiona (Anne-Marie Duff'), the oldest sibling, and increasingly finds himself drawn to this unconventional and unique family. Anarchic family life seen through the eyes of an exceptionally bright fifteen year old, who struggles to come of age in the context of his belligerent father, closeted brother, psychotic sister and internet porn star neighbours.
The series follows five daring young explorers as they encounter treacherous, action-packed adventures, remarkable mysteries, unparalleled danger, and astounding secrets in an unforgettable odyssey that evokes the power of camaraderie between the fearless young heroes.
Frank's father arrives at the Gallagher's, much to his displeasure, whilst Veronica feels threatened by Karen's presence when she begins working at the pub.
The critically acclaimed and brilliantly funny drama from award-winning writer Paul Abbott features the Chatsworth Estate`s Gallaghers, probably the UK`s most dysfunctional family. Shameless is packed with sex, drugs, gratuitous violence, love and scams. Chaos ensues with more tales of how one extraordinary family goes about its normal everyday life.
时候到了,重返道馆战一场!   眼镜蛇道馆在全谷杯落败,道馆的师徒必须决定如何重整旗鼓,挺进空手道界的国际盛事:世界大赛。