Assigned by the professor, 5 senior university students were invited to the old mansion belongs to ML.Salukjit, an old elite who welcomes them with her weird attitude. Before the decision to leave or stay has been made, ML.Salukjit terrifies them and reveals her demonic power.
In the late 1990s, thirteen-year-old Sonya, along with her mother and younger sister Anya, was forced to move to live in the village. She doesn't like this change of scenery at all. Relations with the locals do not add up, and there is little entertainment here. Except to climb into an abandoned house, shrouded in silly legends about an evil Puppeteer who allegedly steals children and makes puppets out of them. But since the sisters looked into the house, something strange has been happening to the quiet, lonely Anya. After all, if no one is playing with children, a Puppeteer will play with them.
Alex Claremont-Diaz(泰勒·扎克哈尔·佩雷斯 Taylor Zakhar Perez 饰)身为美国总统之子,在国家中是如同王子一般的存在,同时也是他的母亲,美国首位女总统Ellen Claremont(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)的智囊团成员。 然而,成为知名人士也有其不利的一面,当他与其宿敌—来自大洋彼岸英国的Henry王子殿下(尼古拉斯·加利齐纳 Nicholas Galitzine 饰),两个人在Henry兄长大婚晚宴上争吵的照片,被披露给八卦小报,严重威胁到美国与英国之间的关系。为了控制住情势,他们不得不在非常时期采取特殊手段:联手伪造Alex与Henry之间的好友关系。Alex为了帮助母亲抵御嗜血的对手,已经十分忙碌,他最不需要的就是一个拖慢他工作效率的王子。然而在被迫相处之下,Alex逐渐发现,也许Henry王子没有他以为的那么糟糕。在他展示给公众的迷人表象之下,Henry其实也拥有幽默感与柔软的内心。 当Ellen总统投入竞选连任,Alex发现自己与Henry之间肆意滋长着秘密情愫,这让他陷入了危险的境地,稍有不慎,不仅仅会危及母亲的选情,甚至会再次动摇两个国家的关系……
马力欧(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 配音)和路易吉(查理·戴 Charlie Day 饰)是生活在布鲁克林的两名水管工,他们刚刚成立了自己的小公司,但很显然,他们的家人并不完全支持兄弟两人的这份事业。某日,在工作中,马力欧和路易吉被水管吸入到了一个光怪陆离的世界之中,两人在旅途中被迫分开,马力欧来到了由碧姬公主(安雅·泰勒-乔伊 Anya Taylor-Joy 配音)统治的蘑菇王国,而路易吉则不幸的被传送到了由酷霸王(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 配音)统治的库巴王国。 此时,酷霸王正准备大举进攻蘑菇国,掳走公主并和她结婚,在这个节骨眼上,马力欧的出现带给了碧姬公主希望,她带着马力欧来到了丛林王国,请求那里的国王和王子(塞斯·罗根 Seth Aaron Rogen 饰)的支援。