十七世纪的路易十四时代,在肮脏混乱小镇上的少女玛奇丝(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)以一曲美丽的舞蹈打动了来此演出的莫里哀剧团,玛奇丝跟着剧团来到了巴黎,开始做起了绝世名伶的美梦。然而演员路并不像她想象的顺利,她大多时候只能出演木讷愚蠢的哑人,并且要靠出卖身体的代价来换取演出的机会。诗人拉辛(兰伯特•威尔逊 Lambert Wilson 饰)与宫廷贵族在看戏时看中了玛奇丝,她因此获得了去为路易十四国王表演的机会。并由此与拉辛相识,两人逐渐产生了感情。玛奇丝开始在剧团和拉辛之间徘徊不断,最终决定出演了拉辛的悲剧,并且大获成功,也获得了国王的青睐。而再次演出时她却抱病昏倒,代替她演出的侍女不但打破了她与拉辛之间关于剧目角色的约定,更让她怀疑自己的价值……
巴黎热闹的街上,美丽的女子Garance(阿莱缇 Arletty 饰)先是认识了演员Frédérick Lemaître(皮埃尔·布拉瑟 Pierre Brasseur 饰),然后又认识了Baptiste Deburau(让-路易斯·巴劳特 Jean-Louis Barrault 饰),她还有一个追求者Pierre-François Lacenaire,一个偷东西做些坏事的人。某个夜晚,Baptiste又在酒吧遇见了Garance,他向她表白爱意,Garance也喜欢Baptiste,两人来到Baptiste居住的旅馆。Baptiste希望Garance像他爱她一样爱他,于是离开了她的房间。恰巧Garance的隔壁住着的是Frédérick,两人遂一夜春宵,坠入爱河。Garance也加入了Baptiste和Frédérick的剧团。在一次演出上,一位花花公子,Comte Édouard de Montray被Garance的美丽深深吸引。他来到后台像Garance表达了他的爱,但被Garance拒绝。于是Édouard留下了他的联系方式,希望Garance有难的时候可以找他。不久,Garance卷入一宗谋杀案,她只能寻求Édouard的帮助。多年过去了,随着Édouard走遍各地的Garance又回到了巴黎,又遇到了Baptiste、Pierre-François和Frédérick.....
The first real film from a director who went on to do a lot of interesting work in the 1970's and 80's before his tragic death by drowning in 1986. An avowed homage to Eyes Without a Face, the film unquestionably creates its own atmosphere and goes in a very different direction from its more famous model. Mulot's film has great cinematography, an interesting script construction and a very melancholic mood that marks it out from most low budget shockers of the period. Although not a costume piece as such, it is probably closer to the classic Mill of the Stone Women than to Franju's film. The acting and direction are of a uniformly high standard. Anny Duperey and Philip Lemaire impart real depth to their characterizations and it's great to see Euro legend Howard Vernon once again. The film was sold as a mixture of sex and horror and the sex is provided by a bevy of stunning Euro babes including Valerie Boisgel and Michele Perello who went on to feature in Morgane et ses Nymphes before disappearing into the hinterlands of porn. Well worth more than a passing look for any fan of classy Euro horror, this one has probably improved with age and repays repeated viewings. Was the above comment useful to you
杰克(让-马克·巴尔 Jean-Marc Barr 饰)是拿破仑旗下最优秀的轻骑兵,因为声名远扬,所以常常有人要来找他决斗,这令杰克感到不厌其烦,于是自愿请求降级,成为了一名普通的士兵。在一场战斗中,杰克和他的队友们马失前蹄,遭到了英国人的逮捕,被关进了战俘营。 在监狱中,杰克被允许制作一些手工艺品,他出色的作品吸引了弗劳拉小姐(安娜·弗莱尔 Anna Friel 饰)的注意,而杰克的温文尔雅也很快俘获了弗劳拉的芳心。与此同时,监狱长法宾赫(理查德·格兰特 Richard E. Grant 饰)也爱上了弗劳拉的姑妈吉尔克斯(米兰达·理查森 Miranda Richardson 饰)。很快,聪明的弗劳拉就开始怀疑起杰克的真实身份来。
娜奈尔(玛丽·菲勒特 Marie Féret 饰)是伟大音乐家莫扎特(马克·巴贝 Marc Barbé 饰)的姐姐,和弟弟一样,娜奈尔继承的父亲杰出的音乐天赋,善于演奏大提琴和小提琴,同时也是一名优秀的音乐创作者。然而,在当时的社会,女性是不被允许登上舞台的,娜奈尔虽然拥有不输于任何人的技巧,却还是要听从父亲的安排,掩盖自己的光芒,进入修道院。 皇太子非常欣赏娜奈尔的才华,他积极的鼓励后者创作音乐,并且雇佣了私人乐队来演奏娜奈尔写的音乐剧。娜奈尔获得了一个机会可以亲自登台演奏自己的剧本,然而她必须打扮成男人的样子,这令娜奈尔感到非常的愤怒和屈辱。
Sheherazade is promised to a powerful Sultan as a gift in exchange for free passage to the Holy Land. When the Sultan's underling saves her from certain death, she falls madly in love with her hero.
It is summer break and best friends Amélie, Bintou and Morjana hang together with the neighborhood teenagers. At night, they have fun sharing goosebumps stories and urban legends. But when Amélie is assaulted by her ex, she remembers the story of Kandisha, a powerful and vengeful demon. Afraid, upset, she summons her. The next day, her ex is found dead. The legend is true and now Kandisha in on a killing spree. The three girls will do anything to break the curse.