After several mysterious accidents, A Live Action Role Playing game is interrupted and the players leave the bunker while the staff remains behind to investigate the disappearance of Greg, the mastermind of the game.
美国位于南极洲的阿蒙森·海斯科特科学研究基地,此时迎来一年一度的圣诞假期。已在此工作两年的美丽女警凯莉·斯泰德克(凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)正准备回国度假,但就在这一关头,研究站接到发现尸体的报告,凯莉只得和一队人马前往调查。他们在一座峭壁前发现一具死状凄惨的尸体,经过勘察,凯莉得知死者是一名来自英国科考队的地质学家,而他死亡的背后似乎另有隐情。是时,强烈的风暴即将来袭,凯莉不得不中止行程,马不停蹄调查这起案件,希望在风暴来袭前查到凶手。在这一过程中,隐藏已久的秘密也渐渐浮出水面……
在电影院打工的大学生玛格特(艾米莉亚·琼斯 Emilia Jones 饰)结识经常来看电影的男子罗伯特(尼可拉斯·博朗 Nicholas Braun 饰),二人的感情慢慢升温。前者渐渐发现后者身上的一些警告信号,其中一个就是自称“爱猫之人”的罗伯特,根本就没有养猫。玛格特需要找到安全脱离这段关系的办法。
After the death of Charras, Lino and Julia took over and form the new narcotic unit. Determined to find the murderers of his brother and his mentor, Lino continues his hunt and won't let anyone get in his way.