When his wife unexpectedly informs him that she wants a divorce, well-meaning but oblivious husband Otto Wall finds himself thrust back into bachelorhood, where he searches for the real thing amidst a string of one night stands.
比尔(杰里米•希尔伯德 Jeremy Theobald 饰)是个游手好闲的作家,借跟踪陌生人打发时间。这让他体验到形形色色的人生,很神秘,也很刺激。不过,有一次,比尔盯上了一个西服革履的家伙克布(艾利克斯•浩尔 Alex Haw 饰)。尾随到餐厅之后,他却被对方识破,只得摊牌。克布是个贩卖盗版光碟的商贩,此外还做拧门撬锁的勾当。克布带着比尔潜入了陌生人家中,但比尔发现克布根本不取财物,而是寻找主人蓄意掩盖的隐私。同时,克布还提醒比尔要注意仪表。后来,比尔认识了一个神秘的金发女人(露西•拉塞尔 Lucy Russell 饰)。在酒吧,比尔主动与她调情,但是对方冷若冰霜。原来她是黑社会大佬的女人,但是不可遏制的激情让比尔失去了理智,从而堕入了万劫不复的深渊……
肃杀之夜,一架军用飞机坠毁南极大陆,机组人员全部身亡。 美国位于南极洲的阿蒙森·海斯科特科学研究基地,此时迎来一年一度的圣诞假期。已在此工作两年的美丽女警凯莉·斯泰德克(凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)正准备回国度假,但就在这一关头,研究站接到发现尸体的报告,凯莉只得和一队人马前往调查。他们在一座峭壁前发现一具死状凄惨的尸体,经过勘察,凯莉得知死者是一名来自英国科考队的地质学家,而他死亡的背后似乎另有隐情。是时,强烈的风暴即将来袭,凯莉不得不中止行程,马不停蹄调查这起案件,希望在风暴来袭前查到凶手。在这一过程中,隐藏已久的秘密也渐渐浮出水面……
In small czech town named Jilemnice live unfortunate, but brave and jovial woman Štěpa Kiliánová, whose only desire was to fill the void in her virgin life. In despair and excessive trust, she married a sardonic, reclusive man, former lieutenant and gambler Pavel Malina, whose only wish was finally found peace and forgetting the past. They lived through unrequited love, dislike and disappointment. But no one knew that her groom begin to show signs of cerebral disease, which in the coming years engulf his sanity.